Support Email Settings: The current IMAP & SMTP settings for Apple iCloud

Are you looking for the current email settings? Do you wonder if Apple iCloud supports POP? Scroll down to find the current settings & latest infos!

 . Email Settings  . Email Settings: The current IMAP & SMTP settings for Apple iCloud Email Settings: The current IMAP & SMTP settings for Apple iCloud
Last verified: Sep 2024

What was MobileMe and how does it affect my iCloud account?

MobileMe was an online subscription services created by Apple that comprised several online software solutions and services, including email. In 2012, MobileMe was discontinued and all users were transition to the free Apple iCloud service. Therefore, if you own an email address ending with, you are actually using an Apple iCloud account. 


Why does my Apple iCloud email address end with

When creating an iCloud account, Apple automatically creates a new email. iCloud email addresses can end with, or This might make you wonder: Why did you receive the domain ending that was assigned to you by Apple, or did you even receive multiple ones?

Here's the answer:

  • iCloud accounts created after 2012 automatically end with
  • accounts created before 2012 or that were moved from MobileMe to iCloud can use both endings: and
  • if you had an email address before 2008, kept your MobileMe account active and moved to iCloud before 2012, you can use all three domain endings (,,


How to Access your (Apple iCloud) Account via IMAP & SMTP

When adding your email address to your email client or migrating your emails from or to Apple iCloud, you usually need the IMAP and SMTP settings for your Apple email address. Below, you'll find the current email settings so you don't have to search the Apple help pages to find the correct ones! Email Settings for Incoming Emails (IMAP):

In your email client or email migration tool, enter the following IMAP settings to be able to receive (or migrate) emails:

IMAP Port993
Username Your email address
Password Your password Email Settings for Outgoing Emails (SMTP):

To send emails using your Apple iCloud / account, add the following SMTP settings in the section for "outgoing server" or "outgoing email":

SMTP Port587
Username Your email address
Password Your password


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Does Apple iCloud ( support POP / POP3?

No, Apple iCloud does not support POP / POP3. But since Apple offers large mailboxes, there is, in fact, no need for POP support and you can simply use the IMAP settings provided above.


Email Migration from / to (Apple iCloud):

Switching from one email provider to another seems daunting, but in fact, can be a very simple task: All you need is a reliable email migration tool like MailJerry and your (Apple iCloud) credentials. So let's get started!

➡️ Download our email migrator or conveniently begin your migration directly in your browser.

➡️ Launch MailJerry and click on "New Migration".

➡️ Select the account type (usually IMAP) and enter the settings and email credentials for your existing email account in the "Existing Address" fields.

➡️ In the "New Address" section, select "Apple Mail" as account type and your username and your password (or vice versa when migration from to another provider).

➡️ Click on "Check Settings".

➡️ Start your migration by clicking on "Start Migration".

Wait until the email migration finished.
🎉 Congratulations! You can now access your previous emails in your new email account!